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Is there any way to show delivery time on the product page?

StoreHippo expert

Yes, StoreHippo allows you to show extra content, such as delivery time, delivery date, calendar, premium delivery option, etc. on the product page of your ecommerce store. Showing delivery time on the product page is a three steps process.

  • Adding metafield: First of all, you need to add the metafield named as - “delivery_time” in the admin panel of your e-commerce store. To get an idea about creating metafields, go to the helpcenter -   
  • Adding Values in metafield: After you have added the metafiled, you need to enter the value. Go to the “Products” - >  “Products” section in the StoreHippo Admin Panel. Find the field named as “Delivery Time” and enter the value in it.
  • Displaying metafield: Now, the final step is to display the the “Delivery Time” value on the product page. To do so, go to the “Design Theme” section in the StoreHippo admin panel and add the following code in the “product widget” section.

<p ng-if="product.metafields.delivery_time"><b>{{"Delivery Time:"|msTranslate}}</b>{{product.metafields.delivery_time}}</p>

Now, the metafield will appear on the product page of your ecommerce site. For availing more information on how to show delivery time on product page, visit the helpcenter -

Dec 24, 2020 4:14:11 PM


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